Friday, November 19, 2010

Testimonials on FunkidsDIY talk, “Learning to Teach Your Child to Read with Interest”

“The talk was very interesting and well-organised. Now, I know how to make effective training materials for my child. I would recommend this talk to my colleagues.”

“The materials used in the talk were very well done. I now understand that not all kids learn through the same way and that some kids learn better with pictures. Also, by calling study “games”, we actually make study more interesting for the kids.”

“The speaker shared with us her real-life experiences and there were practical applications that serve as good reference points for me.”

About FunKidsDIY

Set up by three mothers – Li Fong, Kai Lin and Lay See – FunkidsDIY understand that it is not only necessary to stimulate children through play, but even more critical to boost their creativity and brain development through enriching yet appealing activities such as arts and crafts. Seeing that there is a lack of interactive educational cum play materials for parents and children in Singapore, the mothers at FunkidsDIY decided to source globally for quality products to design out-of-the-box learning materials that are catered to the needs of today’s children.

Each equipped with skill sets that are valuable to the business, these innovative mothers aim to make learning for children more enjoyable and bonding between busy parents and modern kids easier. Specifically, Li Fong, who has been in the education industry for over 10 years shares her expertise by creating simple games that encourage child-parent bonding, while promoting critical learning in young children. Along with Alvina and Lay See, who are also working mothers themselves, the trio hopes to offer fellow mums (and not forgetting dads) an alternative learning mode for children which incorporates fun materials the likes of stampers, self assembled photo frames and DIY scrapbooks and many more.

FunkidsDIY play materials are targeted at:
• Encouraging interactivity between parents and children
• Stimulating brain growth of children through play

• Developing fine motor skills of children through simple and creative manipulative materials

On top of offering interactive play materials, FunkidsDIY also conduct classes and talk using such materials to help new or working parents to bond, engage and interact with their children.

Some FunkidsDIY talk modules include:
• Understanding your child’s learning preference
• Using the right language patterns when communicating with your child
• Encouraging active listening
• Using appropriate approaches and activities to enhance your child’s attention span, memory, spatial and sequencing ordering, as well as to encourage higher order and social thinking 

Contact us today at: for play materials and workshops details.

Thank You for taking the time to read about us.

Have a nice day! :)